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Members of the 6Sacademy are proud to be Independent Consultants with the finest and most respected retail energy supplier in the country; Ambit Energy


These three new workbooks are designed to help you get your business firing on all cylinders by helping you learn about the resources we have at our disposal, ensuring that you get the most out of your training, and by helping you become clear in your own mind about your goals and your path to financial freedom.

Perhaps more importantly, the workbooks are intended to be given by you to those you sponsor into the business, ensuring that they have every advantage possible. This should make your business both stronger and more duplicatable.

We have chosen to print these workbooks professional and to make them available in hardcopy format only. They bring great value to your team and we want them to be as impactful as possible. Giving away a free PDF or even printing pages to give to your team diminishes the value and erodes the chances that they'll be effectively used. We are making the books available at our cost (printing prices depend on quantity ordered) and they will be distributed via our team leadership.


Fast Track 2 6S

This full-size workbook contains nearly 50 pages worth of great resources, checklists and training materials. The book includes the following sections:

Preface – Freedom


1. My “Why”

2. My Financial Freedom Number

3. My Income Goals

4. Understanding What We Get Paid to Do

5. My Vision Board

6. My Written List

7. The Invitation

8. Customer Gathering

9. The 3-Way Call

10. The Presentation

11. Ask for a Decision

12. Must-Have Companion Documents

13. Business Training Resources

14. The Importance of the Jump Start Bonus

15. The Most Important Promotion in the Business

16. Success in Ambit Energy is spelled …

17. Silver Bullets

18. My Fast Track 2 6S Checklist

19. Treating Ambit Energy as a Big Business

Formula 4 6S

This mini-size workbook is focused on the mechanics of getting started the right way with a sharp focus on getting you and everyone on your team promoted to Regional Consultant. From providing step-by-step instructions to enrolling your first customer to a comprehensive jump start checklist, this workbook gets you off to great start. And from tracking your progress toward earning your jump start bonuses to helping you track your teammates' progress, this book is designed to get you to RC quickly. More importantly, it's designed to help those you sponsor do the very same thing.


Scripts 4 6S

This mini-workbook is designed to get new consultants off to the right start by showing them what to say and how to say it ... and just as importantly what not to say. Recognizing that scripts are an important part of helping that new person get off to the best start possible, this workbook helps them craft their own invitation using examples as a guide.

Using scripts will help your new consultant learn quickly how to make the most effective invitation to both potential customers and potential business partners. We also learn how to address common objections and questions that can easily derail the best invitation if they're not properly handled.

How Do I get These Books?

Ask your sponsor, contact your SC or contact us directly through our contact page.

Most people have no idea of the giant capacity we can immediately command when we focus all of our resources on mastering a single area of our lives.

Tony Robbins

Working hard is good.

Working smart is better.

Working hard and smart ...

now that's power!

 Use these workbooks to work smarter, not harder. Focus your efforts on getting your best people started the right way and you maximize their chances for success.